Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Today is Tuesday 12/29/2009. It has been quite a while since I have posted anything. I never finished our trip in the Spring because I was feeling ill when we left Cape Kennedy and just never returned to the blog even though we went out again in September. We went to Red Bay to get windows in the bus and to have other work done. The highlight was probably our visit to The Coon Dog Cemetery north of Red Bay. It don't get no better than that.

Tonight we are in the second night of our trip to California for the debut of our first grandson. This is probably our best trip ever. We are very happy for Jen and Magnus and can't wait to welcome this young man into the world.

Our first night was spent in Fort Chiswell, Virginia in a night that had winds of 20 to 30mph with temperatures below 20 degrees. In the middle of my dewintertization the hose froze solid and I wasn't able to finish. Needless to say we were unable to shower this morning so the first order of business after today's 508 mile ride was to get the water going.

We are now in Knoxville, Alabama. Tomorrow we head for New Orleans where we plan to celebrate Eileen's 63rd and New Years Eve the nbext night.

Happy New Year to everyone! We will let you know where we are from time to time. We plan to take our time to California and expect to be very close to Jen and Magnus by 1/13/2010.