Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Springfield Mo. 9/18-9/19

We left Saint Louis a day early and decided to spend two days in Springfield Missouri. Glad we did. Yesterday we made our Wally World visit and did wash. Today we decided to take a local tour a place called Fantastic Caverns. It's billed as America's only Ride-Thru Cave. You ride in a wagon behind a jeep. The cave is one of over 3000 in Missouri. The state has more caves than any other state.

The tour was nice (nothing like Carlsbad Caverns), but we didn't have to walk either. The price was to much for the hour or so but it was entertaining and our guide was a hoot. If your not staying in Springfield I wouldn't stop here to see this.

I would however stop in Springfield to see the Grandest Bass Pro Shop of them all. I didn't know this was the birthplace of Bass Pro and this store was unbelievable. I have been in many of their stores but this one is a sportsman's dream. 300,000 square feet of great products and beautiful displays. But wait there's more. This Friday they are opening another 320,000square feet which will include a 1.5 million gallon aquarium and museum that is called "The Wonders of Wildlife". It's a big deal with over 5000 invited guests including a couple of former Presidents. The new building will have the world's largest collection of record setting big game animals and over 1.2 miles of trails. I guess my invitation was lost in the mail. We will be 550 miles from here anyway. Eileen forced me into spending more money than I really wanted to at the store. It was a good afternoon.

The campground here is a KOA and it's a nice one. If you are on I44 and heading through Springfield it's worth the stop. Nice people. Tomorrow we head to Oklahoma City. Enjoy the pictures.

Life is Good!!

Nice collection of beautiful jeeps!

Getting ready to enter the cave!!
Our guide showing us a wood fired generator that used to supply the lighting in the cave!

Part of our tour group!

Enjoy the pictures. We were about 150 feet underground.

This is a well pipe that a local farmer drilled without knowing that the cave was there. 

It's dark down there. Our guide turned out the lights and you couldn't see your hand in front of your face!

Our next RV!! Jeep style!!
Some of the locals greeted us as we left the parking lot!

There were about eight of them, All Jakes!

Enormous store with a great restaurant!
The buffet was $12 and the food was terrific!

Small part of an enormous store!!