Friday, May 23, 2014

The World's Largest Ball of Twine

Yesterday we Boogied to Lawrence Kansas. The GPS had us on some strange back roads but the trip was pretty much uneventful. Last night we had rain and trains all night long.

Bad storm coming?

It's OK!

 Beautiful sky. The rain wasn't bad at all!

Today was a very special day. We left Lawrence and headed for Cawker Kansas. This is where the worlds largest ball of twine is located. OK, I know what your thinking, but you haven't had this on your bucket list for 50 to 55 years like I have. When I was a teenager I read about this place and just added it to one of the places I wanted to visit.

Eileen of course was unaware of todays visit until we got off of I70 and headed north. I think she said something like why are we getting off here, are you making a mistake. That's when I had to reveal our destination. The City of Cawker, isn't, but my curiosity is now satisfied. We did, in fact, have the opportunity to add twine to the ball. Eileen went first which made this the highlight of her day. I had called ahead three months ago to make sure that someone was available to show us the ball. I talked to Linda Clover who's owns a small Inn in the town and basically takes care of the Ball. She is a very nice lady and when we pulled up to the ball she was waiting for us. Mark and Katie had called her earlier in the day to make sure she was available.

We all had an opportunity to add twine to the ball bringing the weight to 19,906 lbs. Linda actually weighs the twine that is added and keeps track of the weigh on her computer. Although it was raining a little it was an interesting visit. I'm "Living the Dream" even if it's only a little one.

My Bucket list is much lighter tonight as we rest in Russell Kansas. Tomorrow we head to Golden Colorado for Memorial Day Weekend. If you want to know more go to

After our additions and many others since 1986, the ball weighs 19,906 lbs.


 Linda Clover helps Eileen tie the new twine to the ball!

Look at her roll that twine!

What Moves! 
Mark went next!

 Go Kathie Go!

My Turn!

 The end of the roll. 19,906 lbs.
Now I tie the knot to complete the loops!
 Happy Campers!

Protected from the rain!

Not too busy. We park on the main street!

Branson Missouri

It's Tuesday 5/20. We arrived in Branson yesterday after a Boogie ride from Sevierville and a stop in Paducah Ky. on Sunday. On the way to Paducah we were at a roadside rest and a guy came in in his brand new Country Coach. (2000 miles). We talked a little and then he got in his coach and started to leave. He was pulling away when his hitch came out of the receiver and started dragging along the ground. He was pulling his car with the emergency cables. Mark and Kathie ran after him and when he stopped the car didn't. It smashed into the back of the motor home leaving a nice big crunch in the fiberglass. Apparently what happened is that he got a new drop hitch the day before and they had put a lock on the pin for the tow bar but they didn't click it in. The pin had worked itself out and the hitch just pulled out of the receiver. Sad!!

We crossed the Mississippi River about 25 miles west of Paducah on a bridge that barely fit two cars much less motorhomes. On the Missouri side we had to stop and clean ourselves up. It was the narrowest bridge I have ever been on.

This is just before I wet myself!

We arrived in Branson on Monday afternoon and after we set up we went into town to explore a little and had a real nice dinner in Branson Landing, topped off with a yogurt dessert. Today we walked and then explored the town. In the afternoon we went to see the Acrobats of China in the New Shanghai Theater. It was a super show. The draw of Branson is the shows, at any one time there are probably 100 to 120 shows on a daily basis. Some of the shows are even by people who are no longer with us. (John Denver, Elvis, etc.) Today is Mark and Kathie's 42nd Wedding Anniversary. We went for another great dinner and now we are settled in for the evening.

All of the athletes were amazing.


Tomorrow we take a train ride into Arkansas and maybe hit the Ducks Ride in the PM. This is a really beautiful area much different than I had envisioned. The crowds are not yet large, so we have been able to figure out the town but you really need more time if your going to do even a few of the things that are here. (Zip lines, helicopter rides, water slides, golf, white water rafting, etc. etc.



Unfortunately we had trouble with the refrigerator in the bus so we missed the Duck ride. We will have to leave that one for our next visit to Branson.

I wasn't asked to join the show!