Monday, January 18, 2010

Jen before the baby 1/16/2010

San Francisco RV & CA 152 Scenic Drive

San Francisco "RV
Pacific Ocean on a calm day

The cliff drops straight down from the edge of campground

Our sight at San Fran RV

Propane time

Ca 152

The San Francisco area has very few RV parks probably as a result of the land values and the lack of available land. San Francisco RV is in Pacificia which is very close to the city and right on the ocean. Until last nights high winds and driving rain, that was a good thing. We closed our slides in the middle of the night as a result of the wind.
When we came in last Wednesday we came up I5 from the LA area and crossed the mountains south of San Jose. The highway is Ca. 152, a scenic drive, with a recreation area where there is a large resevoir. It is a very pretty drive with a great view of what the mountains probably looked like without a bunch of houses on them.
We spent Wednesday through Sunday helping Jen and Magnus do last minute preparation and today (1/18/2010) we are waiting for Jen to get a call from the hospital.
She was scheduled for the first surgical spot this morning but the hospital had two emergency c-sections this morning so we are waiting.
The pictures above are the scenic drive and the campground.

Life is Good!!