Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Our Grandson's Birthday 1/18/2010

Jen was scheduled to be the first in surgery on the 18th but two emergency c-sections early in the morning delayed her. She was finally told to come to the hospital around 12:30pm. She had been fasting since 12:00 midnight so I'm sure she was hungry.

When we arrived at the maternity floor we were told to go to the prep room where Jen and Magnus were getting ready. We then went to a small waiting room and waited. They took Jen to the operating room first and after Magnus suited up in his OR scrubs he was taken to join her.

Magnus finally called us and told us to come to the room. It was a long couple of hours but well worth it. Jen, Magnus and Sebastian stayed in the same recovery room for the next few days. They weren't moved to a regular room because everything was full. Lots of babies here in San Fran.

The hospital staff was really nice and having a private room that everyone stays in is a nice way to do it. Sure better than the old days. I guess Eileen and I might be prejudice but we think Sebastian is perhaps the most beautiful baby ever.

Life is truly Good! New life is a miracle!!

Bill and Eileen

Thank You Aunt Karen!!

Mom and Dad in the Prep Room!

Three hours later! He's a dad!!

Spreading the news!

First feeding instruction!


Mom, Morfar and Sebastion!


He is beautiful. Ask his grandparents!

Mormor and Sebastion!

Getting ready for the trip Home! Proud parents!

Newborn outfit is to big!

Proud mom!

Going Home!

His first car ride!

Sebastian Home and About

These are pics from home, a visit to SF RV for dinner, Sebastian's first dinner in SF (Mexican), and his first bath.

A new toy from Montoursville! Thanks Aunt Karen!

Relaxing in the RV!
Hiding from the weather!

My new hat from Sweden thanks Farfar and Farmor!!
Uncle Seth with Sebe!

At peace!

First night out. Mexican Food!! After my first Bath!

What I think of my first bath!

My first bath!

Lotsa Help!!

Mommy and Mormor


I like being dirty!!


Sebastian and Morfar!

Ready to go out!