Monday, September 25, 2017

Boogie (Rockwell RV, Oasis RV, The Trailer Park, Santa Fe NM) (9/20-9/26)

On 9/20 we headed to for Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This was a boogie day and we didn't unhook the car. The campground in Oklahoma City is about a 7 or an 8. It makes a good stop for the night, the sites are all gravel with plenty of room and they are set up well.

9/21 we headed for Amarillo Texas. Oasis RV. The campground is west of town near Cadillac Ranch
which we saw in 2016. This campground is perfectly set up and super clean. I really like this place in spite of the wind and the sun. The evenings are getting cool which we really like. I would definitely recommend this stop for a night or two. We did unhook the car and went to a local  steak restaurant that we have visited before. It's called the Saltgrass Steak House and I would highly recommend it.

On Friday 9/22 we headed for one of our favorite places in the West, Santa Fe, NM. The campground here is a small boutique type place with nice people and great sites. It's about 4 miles from the downtown area and very convenient. Saturday we headed downtown to the Farmers Market, then on to tour the shops and just enjoy the city. I say city but when you go downtown it's like a small town type atmosphere. We went to the galleries and  found a sculpture in bronze that we both fell in love with. The artist name is Kim Obrzut. She is a Hopi Indian and has been casting bronze for over 21 years. She is a well known artist and has been featured in many national magazine articles and won numerous awards in art and sculpture across the US. The piece is very unique and interesting. We also found time to identify the jewelry that we purchased the next day. Lots of fun.

After church on Saturday we returned downtown for great dinner at the La Plazuela  Restaurant in the La Fonda Hotel. Sunday we had lunch at the Thunderbird Bar and Grill on the square and enjoyed the town. Monday we visited the Loretto Chapel which is a chapel for a former girls school that was closed many years ago. The chapel is now privately owned and is beautiful inside. The Chapel is famous for is a spiral staircase that was built sometime between 1877 and 1881. It took about six months to build. The Sisters of Lorreto said a Novena to have a staircase constructed that would let them use the choir loft that was only accessible via latter. On the last day of the Novena a man appeared and spent six months building a spiral staircase that has marveled contractors and architects to this day. It was very interesting and surely a miracle. A master carpenter did this stairway then disappeared without presenting a bill for his services or the materials used to construct it. You might think St Joseph was involved here. Wow! Tomorrow we head to Grants, NM where we will visit a National Monument and some Indian ruins.

We have been to Santa Fe three times now and we would probably place it third on our places to live. We really enjoyed our time here but it's time to move on.

Life is Great enjoy every moment!!

Oasis RV is very near Cadillac Ranch where the cars are buried in the ground!
Farmers Market and Craft Area!

Saturday Lunch at the Farmers Market Brewery!

Sunday lunch at the Thunderbird Bar and Grill on the square in Santa Fe!!

Loretto Chapel Downtown!!

The staircase as it looks today!

The rear of the Chapel!

A picture of the staircase before the railing was added!

Blessed Mother Chapel in The St. Francis Cathedral downtown Santa Fe!

St Francis Cathedral!

Downtown Shopkeeper who looked like Elton John!

Saw a lot of this!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Springfield Mo. 9/18-9/19

We left Saint Louis a day early and decided to spend two days in Springfield Missouri. Glad we did. Yesterday we made our Wally World visit and did wash. Today we decided to take a local tour a place called Fantastic Caverns. It's billed as America's only Ride-Thru Cave. You ride in a wagon behind a jeep. The cave is one of over 3000 in Missouri. The state has more caves than any other state.

The tour was nice (nothing like Carlsbad Caverns), but we didn't have to walk either. The price was to much for the hour or so but it was entertaining and our guide was a hoot. If your not staying in Springfield I wouldn't stop here to see this.

I would however stop in Springfield to see the Grandest Bass Pro Shop of them all. I didn't know this was the birthplace of Bass Pro and this store was unbelievable. I have been in many of their stores but this one is a sportsman's dream. 300,000 square feet of great products and beautiful displays. But wait there's more. This Friday they are opening another 320,000square feet which will include a 1.5 million gallon aquarium and museum that is called "The Wonders of Wildlife". It's a big deal with over 5000 invited guests including a couple of former Presidents. The new building will have the world's largest collection of record setting big game animals and over 1.2 miles of trails. I guess my invitation was lost in the mail. We will be 550 miles from here anyway. Eileen forced me into spending more money than I really wanted to at the store. It was a good afternoon.

The campground here is a KOA and it's a nice one. If you are on I44 and heading through Springfield it's worth the stop. Nice people. Tomorrow we head to Oklahoma City. Enjoy the pictures.

Life is Good!!

Nice collection of beautiful jeeps!

Getting ready to enter the cave!!
Our guide showing us a wood fired generator that used to supply the lighting in the cave!

Part of our tour group!

Enjoy the pictures. We were about 150 feet underground.

This is a well pipe that a local farmer drilled without knowing that the cave was there. 

It's dark down there. Our guide turned out the lights and you couldn't see your hand in front of your face!

Our next RV!! Jeep style!!
Some of the locals greeted us as we left the parking lot!

There were about eight of them, All Jakes!

Enormous store with a great restaurant!
The buffet was $12 and the food was terrific!

Small part of an enormous store!!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Casey Illinois and Saint Louis

After leaving Bear Run Campground we went to Olive Branch Campground near Lebanon, Ohio. This campground was away from the highway and very nice. The owner had recently sold a campground in Florida and was bringing this campground up to par. It was well maintained and very nice. It was Friday night and a lot of people were coming in for the weekend. Nice people, nice campground. Olive Branch Campground near Lebanon, Ohio.

We left Olive Branch on Saturday morning and boogied to Casey, Illinois. A KOA campground. I recently had seen a piece on CBS about this little town along Interstate 70. A local businessman had created a project to erect a number of large structures in an effort to bring people to the town. I personally really enjoy these roadside America things so I dragged Eileen along. The KOA campground here is the only one and it is in need of some improvements. The people however were very friendly and helped us with directions and restaurant recommendations.

It was 1:00 by the time we got set up so we decided to head to the recommended restaurant. Wow what a great place. Richards Farm Family Restaurant. It's a unique country place with excellent food. If you are on I70 and are going to pass through Casey you should make it a point to stop for lunch or dinner. Don't plan on staying here though unless you have an RV. No motels.

The town offers an interesting number of things to see. The World's largest golf tee, the World's largest wind chime, and a super big chair were my favorites. The objects are spread around town and it looks like they are located near areas that they want you to shop. It was a lot of fun. We got to go up in an enormous mailbox and I personally rang the World's largest wind chime. Pretty cool. After a couple of hours touring the city we went back to the bus, changed clothes and went to a Catholic church 15 miles away, in Greenup, Il. A very satisfying day.

Today we boogied to Saint Louis. We were concerned about the riots here but decided to come anyway. The campground adjoins a casino and is on the Illinois site of the Mississippi. We missed the turn off and after 20 minutes of riding around, crossing the river twice, taking four different interstate highways we finally found the campground. We have a view of the arch from the RV and that will be the highlight of this visit. When we checked in the clerk indicated that the casino was closed but she couldn't tell us why. We found out from one of our neighbors that there had been a shooting at the casino at 2:45 am and they had closed it for investigation. Needless to say we decided that the stars were trying to tell us something so we have decided to do laundry today and get the hell out of Dodge in the am. So my picture of the Arch out of my window is all the touring we are going to be doing in good old St Louie. Maybe next time. Tomorrow we head for Springfield Mo.
Life is Good. Tonight we sleep with one eye open. Enjoy the pictures of the biggest objects. It was fun.

Great Restaurant


The pitch fork was at the restaurant!

Super Big Things!

Worlds largest Tee! Imagine the golf ball!

Take a seat!

World's largest Wind Chime!! I rang the chime!!

Don't know what was in the Café!

Guinness Record!

Knitting Needles and Crochet Hook!

It's a Number 2 pencil. This one might last for some time.

Jolly Green Giant Shoes!!

We walked inside. You can mail a letter here as long as you have the correct postage!!

We are being watched!

Spin this puppy!

Our only touring in Saint Louis!!