Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Catching Up Memphis,Little Rock, Ozarks, OK City

We are now in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I found that if I don't post things in one or two days it's easy to forget the days, what we did, or even where we were. I will catch up tonight I hope. When we were in Russellville Ark. the Wi-Fi wouldn't connect to Vista so that put me further behind.

After we visited Graceland on 4/23 we went downtown to see Beale Street (The Jazz Club and Restaurant area) and the Peabody Hotel for the daily walk of the Ducks. This is a 60 or 70 year old tradition where a Duckmaster marches five ducks, that have spent the day in the lobby fountain, across a red carpet into a waiting elevator where they are taken to their Penthouse on the roof of the hotel. This traditional daily routine draws quit a crowd and was a crowd pleaser.

Our plan then was to meet my cousin Susan, who lives in Germantown a suburb of Memphis. Susan showed up on schedule and then we were totally surprised by the appearance of Steve Graham, another cousin, who lives in Kentucky and Colorado. Then Steve's cousin David and his wife Kathy showed up. What a surprise. We all went to the World Famous Rendezvous Restaurant for some Memphis dry rubbed ribs and had a fun night catching up and getting to know new friends.

The next day Steve, Susan, Eileen and I went downtown in the pouring rain and visited Mud Isle. The island is in the Mississippi and has a museum that features the history and life of the Mississippi River. It was very informative and interesting. Outside the museum is a scale replica of the entire Mississippi River Valley. It is designed to show the watershed for the Mississippi both East and West and then you can walk the entire river from it's mouth to the Delta. Along the way it shows the towns and where the various rivers join the Mississippi. It was really cool and is even detailed enough to show the different elevations along the way and the meandering of the entire river throughout middle America. Memphis was interesting but not the city where I would want to live. It is often featured on the TV show COPS. On Friday 4/25 we left Memphis and headed to Little Rock.

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