Monday, January 4, 2010

New Orleans 12/30 - 1/1

We arrived in New Orleans on Eileen's Birthday. The campground is right downtown and although it is not in the best section it was super nice and we felt safe. It might have been the ten foot French with razor wire on top that helped us feel safe. New Years night was the Sugar Bowl between University of Cincinnati and the Florida Gators. Needless to say the campground was full of fans from both. We had a nice dinner at a place called TuJagues for Eileen's birthday. It was OK but I would look for something else if you visit.

On the 31st we walked around in the French Quarter and sampled the mufuletta which is a local sandwich special. We walked back to the campground in time for happy hour and to get ready for dinner at a place called Arnauds. We ate in the bistro and had a lovely dinner. French food with reasonable size helpings. Alligator sausage was my appetizer. We then spent some time on Bourbon Street watching to medicated crowds and the people in the balconies throwing beads to everyone waiting below.

This was a great couple of days. We really didn't get to see much of the town and will probably return to tour and see the surrounding areas. When we drove into the city we could see many signs of Katrina. There are many houses, even downtown, that have never been reoccupied.

We left 1/1 to boogie across La. and Texas and we are now in Las Cruces NM. We are going to the city right now so I will report on that later.

Lovin Life and Can't wait to see the baby!!!

Bill and Eileen

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