Monday, May 21, 2012

Louisville Kentucky/Clarksville Indiana

Time really does fly when your having a good time. On Saturday May 12th we headed for Louisville, Ky. The weather had cleared and we had a nice ride until we were about 20 miles from our destination. The smell of burning rubber should have been our first clue but we drove on without a place to pull over. By the time we were a mile from a exit the left rear inside tire had been destroyed. We got off the exit and called CoachNet (our road service company). Within an hour they had located a new tire and had someone on the way. Changing a tire on this big bus is not an easy thing and it's made twice as hard when its the inside tire. (They both have to come off) It took four hours but we were on our way and in the campground around 7:30pm. We found a really nice restaurant that night that had some especially tasty gin and tonics.

We actually stayed in Clarksville, Indiana which is across the bridge from Louisville. Our first full day here it rained buckets. 3 or more inches. Needless to say we really didn't get to see much. We went shopping for repair parts and really didn't tour anything.

We really didn't find much that interested us in this area. On Monday we had planned to visit Churchill Downs but the tours were cancelled as a result of all the rain. We went into Louisville and visited the Louisville Slugger factory. Believe it or not Eileen enjoyed seeing how the bats are manufactured. She even had her picture taken with one of those Damn Yankees. All in all, we were not real impressed with this area. I wouldn't add it to your A list unless you run out of places to see in the rest of this beautiful country. On Tuesday we moved on to the City of my birth Michigan City, Indiana.

It won't hold air now!

Missing two tires!

Most of the Ash Wood comes from Northern Pa.

Damn Yankee - On Right!

Bats in the air!
The Babe says it's outa here!
Jolly Green Giants Bat!
Nice Tour!

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