Sunday, August 2, 2015

Remainder of Trip 8/14 to 8/28

Finalizing the trip 8/2/2015

Carol and Skip stayed behind to explore some more, but we moved on to Clarion for a brief visit to the hunting land, then headed home. It's been a while since our trip, as a matter of fact we were in Medora last year on this very date, but I will try to put the statistics together.

Miles Traveled in Motorhome Approx. 9700
Miles driven in car Approx. 4000
Number of Campgrounds - 44
Number of States Driven through - 21
Number of Canadian Provinces - 3
Number of National Parks/Monuments Visited - 14 US   3 Canada
Enjoyment Experienced - Beyond Measurement

Enjoy the final pictures!!!
See Ya'll Next Trip!!
Bill and Eileen!!

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Walk along the Serpent River, Spragge Ontario

Serpent River Resident

The best way to do your flowers, Parry Sound Ontario
Listen to the Roar

From Behind the Falls Tour!
A boat like ours! Many wet people!

You have to watch the hair!

Our we having fun yet?

In the Que for Behind the Falls

This was wet outside!
Along the river on the way to Niagara on the Lake!

That's all flowers

Just a sample of the many flowers. Pretty town!

Carol and Skip make a friend!

Taking a beer break!
Mamma Flo's House in Clarion Pa.

Trouble for 650 It's for sale again.

The Taj in the Summer!

Graham Land!

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