Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Memphis/Nashville/Sevierville (10/24-11/1)

We left Waco on Tuesday 10/24. We had one stop in Texarkana,Tx.then on to Southhaven Ms. which is just south of Memphis. The campground EZ Daze RV was a really nice park with paved roads and concrete pads. Our visit to Memphis was to see the scale model of the Mississippi River watershed located on Mud Isle right on the river. We visited this place with Cousin's Susan and Steve many moon's ago but it was in the pouring rain and not a great experience.

The attraction is a scale model of the entire Mississippi that starts on the upper end with the different states that have rivers that flow to form the river. All the way from the West Oregon, Montana etc. to the East New York, Pennsylvania, etc.. After the river is formed you walk along the river and see the towns and the major points along the river. Each step equals about a mile so you basically walk the entire river. We had a chilly but beautiful day to walk the river.

We worked up an appetite walking the river so we when to Bass Pro in the Pyramid in downtown Memphis. They have a restaurant and a viewing platform near the top of the store that you reach by taking an enormous elevator located in the center of the Pyramid. The store is the former basketball stadium in Memphis a unique place.

On 10/27 we headed to Nashville. The weather had turned rainy and cold so we really didn't  do to much in Nashville beyond the Opryland Hotel which is a amazing place to walk around. We saw a show Saturday night at the Grand Ole Opry. The theme for the show was a birthday celebration for singer songwriter Bill Anderson who has been a member of the Opry for many years. The show was lots of fun. A must do for anyone who goes to Nashville. Our three day visit was capped off with a fabulous dinner at The Old Hickory Steakhouse inside the Opryland Hotel. YUM! YUM!

On 10/31 we are off to Sevierville, Tn. to one of my favorite campgrounds. Two Rivers RV. The attraction of this 10-10-10 campground is the pull in sites located on the French Broad River. There is a large field across the river where we have seen Turkey's, deer, Bald eagles in the past. This visit we were lucky enough to see many deer, including three young bucks and one rather large buck. I watched the young bucks spar with each other and enjoyed the show. This morning I was treated to a Bald Eagle sitting in a tree directly across from the motorhome.

We visited the worlds largest knife store located within walking distance of the campground and yesterday we went into Great Smokey Mountain NP and took a 2.5 mile hike in the beautiful woods. The leaves are about a week away but it was still beautiful.

This morning we boogied to Statesville NC and tomorrow we head to home. I will post all the pictures and the trip summary after I'm home because I'm running out of data on my MiFi.
When I write these posts I am writing them to be read by anyone who has interest but probably most of all for me. We have travelled this country now for over twelve years and it's becoming increasingly harder to remember each trip. The blog helps jog my memory.

My intend is not to bore anyone so I add the pictures for your enjoyment. I was going to put more in about campgrounds this time but I fell down on the job. Maybe next time.

Enjoy the country we sure did!

Mud Island Experience!

Bass Pro Pyramid from Mud Island!

Mississippi River and Mud Island from Bass Pro Observation Deck!

You can see the Observation decks on the top of the Pyramid!

The monorail was out so we had to walk to Mud Island.

The walls in the back are the start of the river. The wall to the left lists the states from the West and the one to the right list the states to the East and they form the Mississippi!

Walking the river!

All along the walk they have signs like this that highlight things along the river. The numbers correspond to places on the scale model river. 

After some walking from upstream we finally made it to where we were, in a manner of speaking!

Memphis and the bridges!

Rivers that flow in from further down the river. these obviously come from west of the Mississippi!
The real river!

Meander away "Ole Man River"

Made it to the end!

The end of the River!!

This building speaks for itself. On November 1st of each year the shows move to the Ryman Auditorium which is trhe original Opry House! 

Our seats came with oxygen!

and Binoculars!!!!!!
The birthday boy Bill Anderson. A long time Opry member!

Bill's family and the entertainers for the evening! Good show lots of fun. A must see if in Nashville!

My new Guitar!!

Some of the decorations in the hotel!

Lunch at the hotel. This is a great place to visit. Lots to see and do inside the hotel. This is one of many fine restaurants. Our dinner at the steakhouse was fantastic!!!!!!!!

                                                                           SEVIERVILLE, TN.

This is one of the deer across from our campsite. Took this from about 3000 yards.

That's the field that the deer was in way to the left!

Across the river the morning we left!

                                                      GREAT SMOKEY MOUNTAINS NP!
This 2.5 mile hike is the same one we took with the "Ton of Fun" group years before!!

You can see that the trees haven't quite turned yet. Another week would have been great. Late everywhere this year.

Beautiful Woods! 
We are heading home!!

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