Sunday, July 6, 2008

Notre Dame & RV MH Hall of Fame

On Friday 6/27 we left Mukwongo and headed to South Bend, Indiana. Our travels on this day were also a major challenge. We went toward Chicago on I 94 not knowing that they probably have the largest road construction project of the century going on on I94 and I494. We traveled through at least 80 miles of narrow lane, dusty, curvy, construction that didn't end until we got close to I80. If you have to go up that way in the next two years, I would suggest you fly. It is terrible. When we got to I80 we though we were in the clear, only to come to a 20 mile parking lot on eastbound I80. We got fuel and found a way around the backup by going south of the highway on a US route for about 30 miles. We rolled into Newton Falls, Indiana late in the day.

Our main goal here was to visit Notre Dame. My dad and a large percentage of his family graduated from here; and I had always wanted to see the campus up close. When we got to the campground, we also heard that the "RV Motor home Hall of Fame" was nearby in Elkhart, IN. So now we had two things to pack into Saturday.

I don't think Eileen was big on the Hall of Fame until we got there and toured the halls that had the old trailers and motor homes. It was really neat to see what people camped in all the way back to the early 1900's. Many of them were very upscale with fine wood trim, and many of the conveniences of today. This venue is to honor the people who have built the recreational vehicle industry but the real attraction to us was the museum part of the displays. Pic's above.

We went to Notre Dame late morning and found the main quad where my dad's dorms were and what was very likely the main part of the campus in the 1930's. We found both of his dorms and walked around to the lake and the grotto which is right behind the Basilica. We weren't able to enter the Basilica because of a wedding, but our plans were to return for the 5:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass.

After resting at the RV we returned to Campus for the mass. When we got to the security gate the guard told us the the mass was almost over. We were 45 minutes late. What had happened was when we went around the traffic jam the day before we had entered the Eastern Time Zone and didn't even know it. We did come in at the end of mass and had an opportunity to tour the absolutely beautiful interior of the church. We talked to one of the volunteer guides about the church and were informed that everything we see that looks like gold is in fact gold. Believe me, there is a lot of it. If you ever get a chance to visit here it is definitely worth it even if you don't have a personal or family connection like I do.

It is beautiful Gary, you were lucky to go to school there.

Our two days her were very relaxing and I finally got the chance to see were my dad went to school.

The pics are beautiful. Enjoy!

Life is Great! Enjoy it!!

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