Saturday, March 28, 2009

FMCA International Convention - Perry Ga.

3/14/2009 - 3/20/2009

On March 14th we left Hilton Head for the Family Motor Coach International Meeting in Perry GA. We spent the arrival night in a campground just outside the Fairgrounds and on the 15th we met up with Chip and Barbara Massa in the Walmart parking lot a mile from the fairgrounds.

This meeting is for all levels of motor coaches. We entered the grounds with with the Massa's following us in their coach so we could park side by side. We had always been told that this was a good rally and we were not disappointed. We were one of about 2800 motor coaches dry camping on the fairgrounds. About 6000 guests which we were told is much smaller that prior years.

There were about 300 to 400 vendor booths displaying everything you would ever need for RV'ing. There were also all the major coach companies with over 200 coaches on display. We went to seminars, toured coaches, walked through all of the vendor areas, and met a number of interesting people. Each night there was entertainment. The weather the first two days was lots of rain, even though many of the areas were flooded, we were lucky to have been parked on a small rise were the water ran off.

The meeting was very informative and we had a good time sitting by the propane fire with Chip and Barbara in the evenings. It was also very nice to be among the youngest folks at the meeting.

I attended a weight and tire safety seminar and had my coach weighed which was very helpful. I would recommend this meeting to anyone who has a motor coach. It was a fun time.

Life is Good!!

Bill and Eileen

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