Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hilton Head Visit (Kathy and Steve Strelcheck)

3/11/2009 - 3/14/2009

On March 11th we moved on to Hilton Head to visit our former neighbors from Snellville Ga. Steve and Kathy have been retired for just a short time but they have settled quickly into this wonderful lifestyle. They bought a beautiful home in the Moss Creek subdivision and Steve has been renovating almost the entire home for the past few years. What a beautiful home. They are on the marsh with a spectacular view and the ultimate in privacy. What they have done to this home is marvelous.

One day was shopping and looking at houses for the girls and a little golf for the guys. Once again the putting Gods did not shine on me but the company was great. The following day we all went on "Casperina" a beautiful 39 ft. Catalina sailboat. The seas where a little rough, but no problem for this group of seasoned sailors. Steve and Kathy have a wonderful home and a great area for the next 200 years of their retirement.

The campground we picked is an equity type park located just over the bridge on Hilton Head Island. When the people that own the sites are not there, the management company rents their space. Because the sites are owned and relatively expensive, the campground is very very nice. Some of the sites had waterfalls and many of them had numerous amenities. We took a site with a water view and the day we left I wanted to take a picture but the fog blocked our view. Hilton Head Harbor RV Resort and Marina. A nice place. There is also another larger RV park on the Island that is supposed to be very nice. This park was less than 10 minutes from the Strelchecks.

Hilton Head is somewhat crowded but the housing selections are numerous and the amenities are endless. Eileen really likes Hilton Head.

We would like to thank the Strelchecks for their marvelous hospitality. Once again we had a great time. We need to talk about another pinochle reunion after the big wedding is over.

We will see you guys in October.

How could life be better with such great friends!!!

Bill and Eileen

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