Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Banff Alberta Visit (7/24 - 7/28)

Today is Sunday August 10th. We are in St. Cloud Minnesota on our way East. When we left Jasper we headed south on the Ice Parkway to Banff, Alberta. While we were in Canada and even in St. Mary, east of Glacier NP, we had lousy internet so it has been difficult to update the blog. We have gone from Banff to Glacier NP, Glasgow Mt, Medora SD, Bismarck SD, to here. I will be posting something on most of these stops, and hopefully I can get better Wifi soon so I can post the pictures I have taken.

This was our second time in Banff. It is a very upgraded town as compared to Jasper. The shops are very nice and the restaurants are numerous, the ones we tried were very good. Fairmont Hotels have a giant resort hotel here that was the location of our last meal in Banff and it was worth every cent. The buffalo tenderloin was magnificent.

While in the city, we shopped, drove up to Lake Louise (just north of Banff), went to Saturday mass, took the gondola ride up the mountain, and just relaxed. This is a great place, however, we were here on the weekend so the crowds were large. We hung around Starbucks for and hour or so the second day here so we could pick up the 200 plus emails that we haven't been able to pick up since Vancouver.

Banff has an active summer crowd but I think the real action is here during the ski season. The winters sound to cold for my blood though. From here we go back across the border to St Mary, Montana which is where the eastern entrance of Glacier NP is located.

Enjoy the pics of Banff and surrounding area.


The glacier is receding but still very beautiful!

Look at that water. This is relaxation!

Local Resident!

Looking for a Handout!

Another Climber!

Construction Project on the Lake!
From the Trail!
Transportation up and down the mountain!

The Fairmont Hotel and the Bow River!

On the Mountain!

Looking Southeast!

Looking North towards Jasper!

The hotel and the town of Banff. Our campground is above the river just beyond the little mountain in the middle of the picture.Tunnel Mountain!

The golf course at the Fairmont Hotel!
Marmot on the mountain!!

                                                      DOWNTOWN BANFF!

One thing about Canada is that there are flowers everywhere in the summer!

He was roaming the edge of the campground!

Wave to Eileen!! Banff Campground!!

Big Blue!!

Our view from the Bow Valley Grill, Fairmont Hotel! This was a great dinner!!

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