Monday, July 5, 2021

2020 Trip Follow Up!

 After the Covid 19 adventure in Sedona I didn't look at the blog until today July 5, 2021

The trip home from out west was uneventful. We spent a few quiet days at Two Rivers in Sevierville and boogied home. Eileen didn't get sick (Covid) until the day before Christmas. We spent a very quiet holiday in EI and really didn't do much until our Spring trip up to PA and NY which is what I will feature in the next Post. As of today our European cruise has been delayed again (2022 now) and other than my hunt to Clarion we really don't have any RV trips planned for the remainder of 2021. I'm working on changing that soon.

Jenn's family visited for ten days just after we got home from our Spring trip. We had a good time doing all the beach things. The kids are really growing up. I'll cover that visit in the Christmas Journal.

The Trip West was a lot of fun until the Pandemic closed in on us. I do hope we have a chance to do it again with Carol and Skip.  

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